United Wagon Company details Kastamonu order

04th December 2018
United Wagon Company have announced that they will supply 75 high-capacity flat cars for timber transportation to Kastamonu, one of Europe’s largest wood-processing companies with the first batch of 30 flat cars already shipped to the company.
The first batch of cars were shipped with a model number of 13-6852-02, a loading volume of 122 m3 and length of 40 feet. A further 45 model 13-6895 platforms with loading volume of 155 m3 and length of 60 feet will be shipped over the next year.
The use of flatcars for customers such as Kastamonu give increased payload capacity and loading volume and allow bigger loads at unchanged transport tariffs which offer substantial cost savings to rolling stock owners. The model 13-6852-02 flat car can carry an extra 5 m3 of wood with density of 0.8 t/m3 compared with standard timber platforms the most available on the market. The model 13-6895 flat car increases load by 30-40% compared with standard cars thanks to increase of payload capacity to 72.5 tons and loading length to 60 feet.
Ali Kiliç, CEO of Kastamonu in Russia said:
There is currently no alternative to rail transport for long-term and large-scale supply of raw materials. UWC has a wealth of experience building specialized rolling stock, so we were naturally interested to see what solutions UWC could offer. Kastamonu is increasing its production capacity year by year and acquisition of timber flat cars will reduce the risks associated with timber supply by rail. These specialized timber railcars are optimally suited to our needs. They enable us to substantially reduce time spent loading and unloading wood, and they minimize the risk of damage to the car during loading and unloading operations.
Author: Darren Porter
Image: United Wagon Company