Microsoft Flight Simulator | MC-15 Cri-Cri
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The Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 ATSimulations MC-15 Cri-Cri can be purchased directly from the vendor by clicking the button below.
The smallest twin engine aircraft ever made. All-aluminium, fast, maneuverable machine, but not a mass production one. On the contrary it is supposed as a kit plane which is not easy to build actually. Designed by Michel Colomban in 70th.
- Accurate exterior and virtual cockpit 3D models done in 3ds max.
- Ultra-high resolution textures: three 4096x4096 exterior diffuse+specular+reflections+bump maps.
- Unique sound of two stroke JPX PUL 212 engines.
- Three models included: piston engines, jet engines and float-equipped.
- Nine different liveries included.
- Some visual features like pilot hide (provide no pilot weight in MSFS load manager) and camping tent (set parking brakes, turn engines off and click on tent pack).
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