4: Level Crossings
With the wide ranging introduction of different types of automatic level crossings around the UK network, different varieties of signage have been developed to accompany them.
Advance Warning Board
Where a level crossing is monitored in advance by the traincrew on approach, a board is situated that bears the St George Cross. This serves as an indication for the traincrew to regulate speed in anticipation of the crossing.

Open Crossing Combined Speed/Whistle Board
The sign indicates the commencement of the permissible speed on the approach to an open crossing and that the horn shall be sounded. A single set of numerals represents a single speed which applies to all trains. When two sets of numerals are shown representing two different speeds, each speed shall be applicable to different classes of train.

Automatic Crossing Speed Restriction Board
The sign indicates the commencement of the permissible speed on the approach to a locally monitored automatic level crossing. It also indicates the point at which the driver is required to ensure that the level crossing is clear and to observe the driver’s level crossing indicator.

Wrong Direction Speed Restriction Board
The sign states the value of the permitted speed between the sign and the level crossing for trains travelling in the wrong direction, where wrong direction controls are provided.